Effective Leaders International

ELI is an independently owned ‘descendant’ of Innovation Associates, the firm co-founded by three luminaries in the field of leading ‘sustained inspired performance’: Charlie Kiefer, David Peter Stroh, and Peter Senge.
This body of work is explored in the internationally acclaimed books,: "The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization," "The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook," "The Dance of Change,” and more recently, “Presence”. The former was named by Harvard Business Review “as one of the seminal management books of the previous 75 years.”
Along with Six Sigma/Lean, we base much of our approach on this work because of its depth of insight and a demonstrated track record of results. Few competitors can claim this credibility.

ELI is a leadership and organizational development firm dedicated to the success of leaders. We work with leadership teams, critical projects teams, and individual leaders at all levels using problem-centered workshops, real time consulting, and one-on-one coaching.

We help our clients achieve sustainable results faster and more effectively because we apply only practical and proven methodologies in which we are highly skilled. Currently, our core methods are drawn from The Fifth Discipline series popularized by Peter Senge and from General Electric's Six Sigma/Work-out curriculum.

We have an international network of over 30 senior practitioners with both consulting and business experience. Most hold advanced degrees in their field; all have demonstrated the ability to run successful businesses. Our strategic partnerships include market research, branding, and strategy firms.

Our clients are from diverse industries including technology, financial services, consumer goods, manufacturing, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, education, and natural resources. Most are Fortune 1000 companies.